I’m following Kathy’s lead and creating a blog to keep friends and family members up to date on the goings-on in my life. I’ll try to post pictures here pretty regularly.
Yesterday after spending a lot of my day at work preoccupied thinking about Teb and her amazing tenacity in her battle with melanoma I headed downtown to the yoga studio. I look forward to my class so much on Wednesday nights, both the physical challenge I feel with sunrise salutations and the relaxation poses and meditations. It really helps me to slow down and take notice of what is going on in my head each week. We sometimes do a “thousand petaled lotus” meditation where Lori, our teacher, allows each of us to take a card out of a deck that she has of words relating to different aspects of life. In the past I have had words such as compassion and education. Last night she decided to choose a word for all of us to meditate on rather than having us each pick our own. The word she picked was courage and I was immediately struck. The theme of the day. I don’t know that I could be as courageous as Tricia was in her last year of life, but I do know that I can and will learn what I can from her struggle. I will appreciate each minute to its fullest, I will love my friends and family without reservation, and I will celebrate life and being alive. It is inevitable there will be some bad days. Hopefully I will be able to keep them in perspective. After class last night I picked up some curry and rode my bike over to
1 comment:
I wish that everyone had the chance to know Tricia. She really was an amazing person. She constantly reminded everyone who knew her or knew of her to celebrate every day. Thank you for passing that message on. Squeeze someone you love a little tighter today for TEB.
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