I don’t think it can get much hotter ‘round here. The rivers and the reservoir are full of people trying to beat the heat. The flowers in my window boxes are officially dead. The garden is barely hanging on. The thermometer is reaching three digits on a daily basis. Even with our humidity at zero you can’t walk outside without immediately needing a shower. It is miserably hot. What better time than now to go see a movie about global warming?
MJ and I went to see “An Inconvenient Truth” this weekend with a group of our friends. Everything you have heard about how frightening it is… well it’s completely true. It’s also presented in a surprisingly entertaining way. There were a couple of parts to the movie that bothered me. I like Al Gore, and I’ll admit freely that I voted for him. Some of the movie felt like he was still running for president and that annoyed me a little, especially when he kept saying that this is a moral issue and not a political one. It didn’t bother me enough to miss the message of the documentary, however. I did appreciate that he took a little responsibility in failing to effectively get his point across during all of his years in the senate and as vice president. Anyway, regardless of the politics I think everyone should see this movie and I agree with Al - we all have a responsibility to the children and future children in this world to clean up our act, and do our best to reverse the inarguable damage that we have inflicted onto this planet. The problem that was brought up by a couple of our friends when we all stood around discussing the movie afterwards is that the people that need to see this movie wont bother. It did convince me that I need to do more so maybe it will act as a reinforcer for those of us that are already belivers.
Anyway, the little window AC unit I have is now on full blast 24/7 (I buy "green power" from wind and solar sources... it's not too much more a month to do that) and we are keeping as cool as we can by sitting directly in front of it. I hope all of you are staying cool this summer, too. I promise my next post wont sound so much like a lecture from a militant enviromentalist. Lots and lots of love to you all, -M
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