There isn’t much going on in my world today. I had Bunco (a dice game that twelve of my girlfriends and I get together and play on the second Thursday of each month) last night. It seemed like everyone was pregnant or trying to get pregnant. I guess since my 30th birthday is coming up next month and all of us are around the same age that shouldn’t be too shocking, but I am really having a tough time getting used to it. For so long everyone was trying to keep from getting pregnant and I can’t keep up with who is and who isn’t anymore.
While I was there MJ decided to make dinner. I thought I would share the menu so you can all salivate with jealousy the way I did when he sent me a text message during Bunco on my phone telling me what he was making: a barbeque shrimp appetizer followed by New York strip steak marinated in a lemon-grass/ ginger/ chili oil mixture he whipped up, wasabi mashed potatoes (three different kind of potatoes, mind you), and a roasted red pepper salad with a freshly made cracked mustard balsamic vinaigrette. There’s no mystery as to which one of us does most of the cooking. Last time I made dinner it was a frozen pizza I proudly doctored up with parmesan, dried red peppers and dried oregano. Michael is simply a genius in the kitchen.
A smallish produce truck with the name “Fresh Express” on the side almost hit me this morning on my way to work. I have been commuting on my bicycle and it has been an eye-opening experience. The next time you see a cyclist on the street while you are driving please keep in mind that the person on the bike is keeping a car off of the road and give them some extra room. It may make you ten or twelve seconds later getting to your destination but I bet you can spare ten or twelve seconds. Enough of my car vs. bicycle soap box. Suffice it to say the produce truck scaring the bejebus out of me this morning was another reminder to keep appreciating each moment. It also made me appreciate the helmet that MJ bought for me and insists I wear.
These pictures are from our climb up Mt. Borah Fourth of July weekend just before the hail and lightening storm hit. I hope every one has a nice relaxing (or thrilling and exciting - whatever your desire) weekend planned. MJ and I are considering camping somewhere… it is supposed to be 101 degrees in
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