Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Lists & Goals

Last year before I turned thirty I came up with a list of thirty things I wanted to accomplish before the big day. Some really tough things were on that list. I quit smoking, learned to surf and white water kayak, got a tattoo, went on vacation by myself. Some things were a little easier – I posted things I had written on a blog for a year (not this one), I planted a tree, rode a mechanical bull, I asked a boy out on a date (yes, it was Michael). Some things that were on the list haven’t been crossed off yet. I spent a bit of time beating myself up for not finishing by August, but then someone told me that the fact that I had made the list at all was what was important. So… I decided to keep on trucking. Maybe add a few things… maybe take a few off that are no longer important to me (get a pedicure, waste and entire day watching movies). I am determined that one thing stay on the list until I can finally cross it off…
The Race to Robie Creek, for those of you not living in Boise, is legendary. I can remember thinking when I was younger, “why would anyone ever want to do that?” As a native of this city I have begun to feel like I have to finish it at some point – like it is a rite of passage that I need go through. Monday I spent 14 hours trying to get in thanks to a computer glitch. At 12:06 am with MJ’s help I, Michelle Headrick, officially signed up for the hardest half marathon in the Northwest. Straight up, and straight down. Torture on the quads for longer than I have ever run. I can’t wait. My goal time? To finish before the race organizers start packing up for the night.
Peggy is in town this week. Her brother Mike turned 60 this a week and we celebrated at his house. All the kids from Christmas were there, and total chaos abounded. It was a great time, and we look forward to being able to spend time with Peggy for the rest of the week.
I hope that everyone out there in cyber land is doing well and reaching for their goals… love to you all… -M

Friday, February 02, 2007

Where did I put that old Colts T-shirt?

I can't seem to find my one lone, poor, beat up old Colts T-shirt... but rest assured (this post is mostly for you, Kat) I will be cheering for 'em come Sunday...

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Not. Fair.

My mom used to hear that a lot when we were little... raising three kids that are all more or less a year apart you have to expect that they are going to be constantly hunting for ways in which one child is being favored over the other. In today's case, however, I am referring to the fact that I am not only sick again (so sick I actually missed work - AGAIN) for what feels like the one millionth time this year... but the last Harry Potter is coming out on the DAY of our wedding reception. I'm going to have to do some scheming to figure out how to get that book up to Garden Valley the day it is released and get it read before people start asking me questions like "where should we put the flower arrangements?" and "do you really think we need two full kegs of beer?" I was afraid this was going to happen. If mom hadn't already put money down at Terrace I might be tempted to change our dates around. As it is, it looks like I'm going to be doing a lot of reading on our honeymoon. Not. Fair.