Wednesday, July 11, 2007

An email to future me from past me...

A cool website to check out if you get time... I got this email today...

(The following is an e-mail from the past, composed on Monday, January 22, 2007, and sent via

Dear FutureMe,

I want to tell you to give yourself a break, allow time to heal, take Michael on a date to the zoo, walk barefoot through the grass, forgive yourself for your failings, dance in the rain, tell your sister and brother how much you love them, take a road trip alone, drink champagne with your friends, stop being so afraid of failure, thank your parents for giving you life, breathe in deeply, treat yourself to gourmet chocolate from the quaint little shop you walk by so often, skip a night at the gym for a night in the foothills with your amazing dogs and husband, smile more, bring dinner over to your grandparents, show up late for work and leave early, plan a trip to Bali, spend an entire day in your pajamas, paint a picture, have a child, climb a mountain, forgive, live, thrive. I want to tell you all of this, and I expect you to do it. TEB taught you that you only get one chance at life. She died a year ago today. Celebrate her life. Take your chance. Suck every last drop of it until finally it is your time to leave as well. No regrets.

Love, Past Me

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