Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Hello All, Sorry I have been such a bad poster this year. I will try to do better in the coming months, but I can't make any promises.
Despite a stomach bug I picked up just as we were leaving, MJ and I had a great time in Portland. We saw a couple of shows. A friend of Scott's was playing the night we got in (singer-songwriter - known as Tractor Operator) so we went and saw him. It turned out that Michael had known both he and his girlfriend in high school. Small world! We also got to see Eels, a show we've been anticipating for a long time. We were definitely not disappointed. His opening act was a movie that the BBC had made about his quest to understand his dad (a famous scientist)'s theory of parallel universes. Very interesting way to start a concert. It helped to explain a lot of the lyrics in his music. We also strolled through the Chinese gardens downtown, hit IKEA & Trader Joe's, and sampled many a mircobrew. I think it's safe to say that Peggy enjoyed having her son in Portland for her birthday, and I was glad to get to tag along and eat her delicious homemade bagels! That woman can cook like a dream and is such a gracious hostess. I really enjoy going over there. Unfortunately MJ got my bug just as we got back, so he wasn't feeling well for a few days in Boise.
Robie Creek was a blast this year. It's so much easier when you aren't sick! I never felt like I wouldn't be able to finish, although I did have to walk the last mile to the summit, I still enjoyed myself. I beat my time from last year by 20 minutes, also a plus, although I don't really worry about my time too much. I've been out a couple of times running since and am considering doing the Great Potato race in a couple weeks. We'll see...
I hosted BUNCO at my house last week. It was a great time. Everyone seemed to enjoy MJ's Wasabi Mashed Potatoes recipe, even though it was my first time making them. I'm relieved my once a year turn to host is over with. I always worry about fitting everyone in to our tiny home.
School is gearing up to get done. I have my final exam in a week and a half and while I have enjoyed my class immensely, I am looking forward to it being over with. There is just a little bit too much on my plate right now.
We have the bathroom about 95% done. The faucet was defective and the company we bought it from sent the wrong part twice. MJ said we got an entirely new faucet via Fed Ex today, so hopefully tonight we will finally have a completed bathroom remodel project. We've gotten a lot of positive response from those that have seen it. Hard to tell if they are just being nice or not. I like and MJ likes it, so I guess that is what counts. It is certainly unique!
Work is crazy busy. We are working hard to save money where we can with the economy the way it is. It looks as if the home building industry is going to be hurting for a long time, yet.

I think that sufficiently wraps up our April news. I hope that all is well with everyone out there. Lots of love to you all, near and far. Hopefully summer will bring you our way, summer is so beautiful here... -M

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