Thursday, February 01, 2007

Not. Fair.

My mom used to hear that a lot when we were little... raising three kids that are all more or less a year apart you have to expect that they are going to be constantly hunting for ways in which one child is being favored over the other. In today's case, however, I am referring to the fact that I am not only sick again (so sick I actually missed work - AGAIN) for what feels like the one millionth time this year... but the last Harry Potter is coming out on the DAY of our wedding reception. I'm going to have to do some scheming to figure out how to get that book up to Garden Valley the day it is released and get it read before people start asking me questions like "where should we put the flower arrangements?" and "do you really think we need two full kegs of beer?" I was afraid this was going to happen. If mom hadn't already put money down at Terrace I might be tempted to change our dates around. As it is, it looks like I'm going to be doing a lot of reading on our honeymoon. Not. Fair.

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