Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Lists & Goals

Last year before I turned thirty I came up with a list of thirty things I wanted to accomplish before the big day. Some really tough things were on that list. I quit smoking, learned to surf and white water kayak, got a tattoo, went on vacation by myself. Some things were a little easier – I posted things I had written on a blog for a year (not this one), I planted a tree, rode a mechanical bull, I asked a boy out on a date (yes, it was Michael). Some things that were on the list haven’t been crossed off yet. I spent a bit of time beating myself up for not finishing by August, but then someone told me that the fact that I had made the list at all was what was important. So… I decided to keep on trucking. Maybe add a few things… maybe take a few off that are no longer important to me (get a pedicure, waste and entire day watching movies). I am determined that one thing stay on the list until I can finally cross it off…
The Race to Robie Creek, for those of you not living in Boise, is legendary. I can remember thinking when I was younger, “why would anyone ever want to do that?” As a native of this city I have begun to feel like I have to finish it at some point – like it is a rite of passage that I need go through. Monday I spent 14 hours trying to get in thanks to a computer glitch. At 12:06 am with MJ’s help I, Michelle Headrick, officially signed up for the hardest half marathon in the Northwest. Straight up, and straight down. Torture on the quads for longer than I have ever run. I can’t wait. My goal time? To finish before the race organizers start packing up for the night.
Peggy is in town this week. Her brother Mike turned 60 this a week and we celebrated at his house. All the kids from Christmas were there, and total chaos abounded. It was a great time, and we look forward to being able to spend time with Peggy for the rest of the week.
I hope that everyone out there in cyber land is doing well and reaching for their goals… love to you all… -M

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