Thursday, January 18, 2007

Rabbit Food

Lately I have been having so much fun learning what I can about cooking. Maybe once people get to the point where they are amenable to marriage some sort of nesting instinct kicks in. Or maybe I'm just competitive and fully realize that it's going to take a lot of practice time for me to get to the epicurean level that MJ is at. Anyway, I am pretty much starting out with zero previous experience. It was in no way my mom's fault that I never learned - I was just never interested before now. At the rate I'm going I will probably end up (dare I say it?) begging her to teach me to sew next year.
If anyone has some recipes they would like to share I would be very interested in trying them. I just found one on-line for turnips. I’ve never even considered cooking them before, I've always thought of them as a vegetable that showed up in Beatrix Potters’ books – sought after by wayward rabbits looking for a free meal.

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