Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy First Day of Spring!

Hello Everyone! Today is the first official day of Spring! Yeeeeehaw!
I had some sort of flu bug this weekend and have felt really run down all week. I had to miss Granddad's 91st birthday party which was a bummer. Mom and Dad took him out to lunch. Michael and I haven't really left the house much. I made a stew for St. Patty's. We've been gathering more supplies for our bathroom re-do next week. I think we are going to have to do it in stages, because I am having such a hard time deciding on a sink and a few other things, and we are trying to be frugal. We'd like to add-on to the house next year (or possibly move if that is a better option). 720 square feet is pretty cozy for the two of us, the three dogs and Cairo... getting cozier by the minute. I took some before pics of the bathroom. If we like the way it turns out I'll do a before and after post.
Love to all! Happy SPRING!

Friday, March 14, 2008


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spring Fever

OMIGOSH it was so nice yesterday. After work I went straight to the foothills to do "my loop." It was dry enough that I didn't feel like an eco-terrorist (walking, running or riding on wet trails causes major damage and erosion) and warm enough that I only needed a light fleece shirt. Typically I run that loop, but I walked it last night and savored every minute. It was like spring cleaning for my psyche.

Mood level going in - mediocre
Mood level coming off the last hill as the sun set - higher than it has been in weeks
Lesson learned - even when everything is going right in your life it can be hard to get through an Idaho winter, no matter how gorgeous the snow makes the mountains look

A little more than a week until the first official day of Spring, and a few days after that I start Spring Break. I hope to post some pictures soon and I hope that you are all well.
Lots of love, -M