Friday, November 16, 2007

November Blues

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Things are going well, as usual. We live such a charmed life (insert knocking on wood here). I am running in a Turkey Trot tomorrow morning. If our team wins we all get turkeys, which would be great since MJ and I are cooking the turkey for Thanksgiving again this year. Peggy is coming up from Portland next week for an extended stay, which we are looking forward to.
We were going to remodel the bathroom next weekend, but now I am not so sure. I really hope we can get it done by Christmas, we are having a tough time picking out all of the things that we need and there is probably a bit of procrastination of the daunting task of doing it ourselves built in there, too. Hopefully soon I will have before and after pictures to post and you can all ohh and awe over our amazing bathroom remodeling skills. I wouldn't hold your collective breath, though.
I have been to two baby showers in the past month and have another one next week. It's raining babies in our crowd. We figured out the other night that out of the 12 members in our Bunco group, 8 have had babies in the past year and a half or are pregnant now. Crazy.
I signed up for a marathon in February. It's in Huntington Beach, California and I am already looking forward to some warmer weather, even if it is only for a weekend and ends with me torturing myself for 26.2 miles. I love the crisp fall air and crunchy leaves, but by the end of November it starts to get cold and soggy here. The time change forces a ride home from work in the dark every night. The dogs get restless from being cooped up. MJ and I get restless from being cooped up. The transition to winter is frankly a bit depressing. I am learning to love winter, but until it snows and its time to ski it's just dark and damp and a big fat bummer.
I can't wait for Thanksgiving weekend, though. Four days off of work and a huge amount of food shared with the family sound like just what the doctor ordered for the November Blues.

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