Friday, September 28, 2007
Turning Thirty

Monday, September 24, 2007
Autumn Afternoons
Saturday night after MJ got off work we drove up to Garden Valley to meet up with Carol, Jan, Mom and Dad. It was almost a complete reenactment of our weekend up there with them last year. A late dinner, little wine, a little Balderdash. Wet dogs in and out the door. Rain hitting the metal roof. Cozy as it gets. Nothing smells better than the ground in the woods after a good strong rain. Nothing says fall to me more than a drive along the Payette as the leaves start to change and a night spent in stocking feet playing board games with family.
Sunday as we drove home we stopped by a nursery in Horseshoe Bend.
*A side note here: I linked to this nursery's website because I am amazed that a business in Horseshoe Bend has a honest to goodness website. I'm not sure if that says more about the prevalence of the Internet in our lives these days or how far Horseshoe Bend has come in the last few years.
Anyway, they had some very creative ideas. MJ's favorite was a flower bed. It was an actual old rusty bed frame filled with flowers. I liked the kitchen complete with an old stove and stock pots and frying plans filled with succulents. I can't wait to see what that place looks like in the summer. It will definitely be on our list of places to stop when we are heading home from the cabin.
It was a quiet weekend, exactly what we needed. I hope everyone out there had the weekend that they needed to have as well.One of these days I'll charge up the batteries on the camera and start taking pictures again. Love to all, -M
Friday, September 21, 2007
Happy Birthday Grandma!
Happy happy happy, Grandma. And many more. We love you so much!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Weekend Update...
Saturday morning Scott, Mom, Dad and I participated in the KAT walk. The walk was benefiting education for the prevention of kidney disease. My mother manages a home dialysis program in Idaho and Eastern Oregon so this is a cause that is near to her very big heart. Our entire family is so proud of her and the work that she does, and it was nice to be there to support her and the staff and patients of the Boise office for the first annual event.
After the KAT walk the four of us rode our bicycles on the greenbelt downtown to the Saturday Market. The Market runs all summer long featuring fresh produce from local farmers and a great selection of art and craft booths including things like metal sculpture, photography and pottery. While there we picked up freshly homemade (and by far the best I've ever had) chicken pot pie and veggie lasagna for dinner that night and took it up to Grandma & Granddad's so Scott could see Aunt Jan, here visiting from Norway. We alternated between chatting on the deck and hovering around the TV watching the BSU homecoming game, and had a really nice dinner and visit. Later that evening Scott and I headed downtown to meet up with MJ at World Cycle. Scott just bought a used mountain bike so Michael looked it over and made a few adjustments. My brother had to leave the next morning, which always makes me sad, but we are hoping to visit him in the beautiful state of Oregon soon. Hopefully before it is too cold and wet to ride some trails.
Sunday morning I dragged Michael with me to our local nurseries looking for fall deals on perennials. I am focusing on the front yard now because it is so hard to find things that the dogs won't eat or run right on over in the back yard. Next year I guess I'll have to start addressing that with more containers in the borders or some sort of fencing. Anyway, we found a beautiful Japanese Maple and a lot of other shade plants - Astilbe, Joe's Pry Weed, Northern Sea Oats and a couple of other new ones I haven't grown before. I can't wait to get home from work tonight and get my hands dirty! Planting is one of my most favorite things to do. Sunday night Michael's boss and his wife had us out for dinner and to give us a wedding present. They are such generous, wonderful, fun people and their kids are a riot. We had a great time and stayed a little too late... I'm a bit sleepy today.
I hope everyone out there had a great weekend as well... now I am going to take a nap...
Love to all, -M
Thursday, September 13, 2007
My husband and our dates...
Before we were married Michael and I would set aside the money and time for at least one date alone together per month. We’d go to the classic dinner and a movie at the Flicks (Boise’s theatre for indie flicks). A lot of times we’d go to see a concert. Once we drove to the top of 8th Street and had a picnic. Another time we had a picnic at Albertson’s park as the sun set. A memorable one we went on a sushi/ martini tour, hitting a couple different restaurants in one night sampling rolls and lemon drops as we went.
Since our big event in July we’ve decided to have our date night on the 18th of each month. Last month we got all dressed up (Michael wore his suit and I wore a dress) went to Milky Way, a nice restaurant downtown and then out to a pub to listen to some live folk/country music by a local band. Next Tuesday Michael and I will celebrate two months of wedded bliss. We are deciding between two options for our date this month... going to one of my favorite plays - Little Shop of Horrors at the Idaho Shakespeare Festival with wine, cheese, and bread dipped in olive oil on their lawn is one idea; going to Boondocks an amusement park out in Meridian for laser tag, batting cages, bumper boats, go karts and greasy pizza is another.
I think that the fact that we are going back and forth between two such diverse options is hilarious. I believe what that says about us is that even though we are still figuring things out on this journey we’ve decided to take together, we really enjoy each other and it doesn’t matter what we do together - high brow or low brow or somewhere in between. I feel very lucky to have married such a truly fun, intelligent, warm, caring person that is interested in seeing a play and still enjoys playing around.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Busy Weekend... (nothing new there...)
A side note here: I really miss working at the lumber yard. The corporate world is just, well, different. I am so weirdly proud of our place up on Franklin Road. MJ compared Home Depot to the Walmart of building materials after seeing it the first time. Is it strange for a woman (and environmentalist) to be so attached to a place that sells studs & siding? I couldn't say, but the smell of fresh cut lumber early in the morning truly warms my heart!
Anyway, MJ had to work so I started our project by myself until the BSU game started. I love the feeling of using a nail gun, its very powerful. I was getting some bemused looks from people walking by, and had more than a few comments from our neighbors. My mother and grandmother and cousin Amy and mother-in-law Peggy are phenomenal sewers (or is that seamstresses?). My sister knows her way around a sewing machine as well. I never have learned and always felt like some day the sewing bug would just bite me and all those good sewing genes would finally manifest. I've always wanted to create, I've longed to take materials and make something of them. As I was happily humming under my breath nailing the cedar onto the posts on Saturday morning it occurred to me that maybe I was destined to create using a different medium than Peggy, Amy, Mom and Grandma do. It was one of those (as Oprah calls them) 'Aha!' moments.
Yesterday we finished the posts and MJ spackled and caulked his little heart out. He's really, really good at finish work which is going to come in handy when we move our efforts into the house over the winter. We were laughing together by the end of the day, which I take as a good sign. I know some of my friends have said remodeling projects can put a bit of strain on a marriage!
I'm hoping to post photos of before all the tile and post projects and after in the next few weeks after we get done painting. Next we have a gravel job to do on our front strip between the sidewalk and the road with some container projects and then (weehooo!) a new willow fence. Can't wait!
Hope everyone is doing well and discovering their passions in life. Love to all, -M
Friday, September 07, 2007
Post Wedding Pics - North Idaho
Contemplating life's mysteries or wondering when the heck were going to get some breakfast? You decide...
Pictures post wedding... camping trip with the girls
Thursday, September 06, 2007
New Picture Website
This is a link to a photo-sharing website that MJ put together. I haven't seen it yet, but feel free to take a look when you get a chance. Hope all is well, -M