Monday, April 30, 2007

Picture Update...

Our latest home improvement project - We painted the front door and window boxes last week and put our address on the door in green... kind of hard to see in these pictures. The tulips are beautiful this year.

MJ's aunt and uncle live on Robie Creek Road. He stopped mid-race to say hello and have a beer.

Pre-race Alisha.

Pre-race Michael & Michelle.

I am still not feeling 100% but definitely much better than I was last week. I left work early on Friday and spent most of the day sleeping. I really appreciate all of your concerned phone calls and emails. I am so lucky to have so many great people in my life.
I thought I would share some of our recent pictures. I hope everyone is enjoying some fabulous spring weather. Wednesday night we are looking forward to watching my brother Scott's band play in Boise before they embark on their nation-wide tour... it should be a departure from his regular type gig, and we are really looking forward to seeing him. Oregon just seems too far away some times. For that matter so do Indianapolis, Norway, India and Australia...

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