Thursday, March 22, 2007
Pictures providing proof of prior posts...
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Aloha! Happy Spring!
In honor of our trip to Kauai on Friday I have changed my font color. Hopefully it isn't too annoying to the very few of you that actually read my blog. This weekend was absolutely fabulous and I fully expected to post pictures, but I left them at home so you will all have to wait for them.
On Friday night Michael and I had a picnic on the top of 8th Street, watched the sunset as we had a little Pinot Noir, and took in the gorgeous view of the city and it's twinkling lights. Then we headed downtown to spend sometime with Cheryl and Mark, friends of MJ's who were married the following afternoon. Saturday morning I got up at 5 am (a testament of my love for my parents as I am NOT a morning person) to take Mom and Dad to the airport for their trip to warmer climes with the Naces. I then ran my 11 miles to Aldape summit, showered, and ran over to Mom and Dad's to get their dog Tia and take her to Grandma and Granddad's. I then ran home and had about 15 minutes to get ready for the wedding. Just typing that makes me tired! Shew! I'm glad that is over with! The wedding was the perfect excuse for me to finally see the inside of the Cathedral of the Rockies. I have lived close to the church my entire life without ever setting foot through it's doors. I'm a huge fan of stained glass and this building didn't disappoint. Sunday MJ studied and I spent the day doing a much-needed spruce up in the front yard. Believe it or not I had to mow already! This weather is insane! I was hoping to get to the back yard as well, but that will have to wait until we get back. There never seems to be enough time in the day! We went to dinner Sunday night at a Thai restaurant in honor of MJ's cousin's 18th birthday.
I posted a picture here of my trip last year to Kauai to make sure you are all jealous! I hope that everyone is well and has a much needed vacation of their own planned soon! I'm so ready for nine days in paradise. For now I have to run... we have a meeting with our wedding photographer. Happy day dreaming!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Looking Good, Girl!
What an amazing week! The weather here is absolutely beautiful… it is the kind of weather that makes it criminal to be cooped up inside, and it’s only going to get better before it begins the inevitable decline back to worse about the middle of next week –that is according to the weather experts, anyway.
We had a great time at Granddad’s birthday party. It always amazes me how many friends my grandparents have. It’s such a testament to the type of people that they are. So many people felt compelled to send cards, call or stop by the Open House. Grandma and her sister Barbara had a huge spread of fabulous food and drinks. Barbara’s daughter Julie and her husband Bob surprised everyone and drove up all the way from
Last night I ran a six mile loop in Lower Hulls Gulch. I had planned a run up a dirt road, but the weather was so nice and the trails so dry that I decided to try a new route. Michael looked up the mileage for me in a mountain bike book. The first part of the run was pretty much all up hill on a rocky single track, but it followed a creek and with the sun glinting off of the water as I ran by I couldn’t help but have a fantastic time… huffing and puffing and all. There weren’t many people back there. After a couple of miles I came upon the main trail and started to see more people. There were a lot of pale faces behind the sunglasses, probably getting out for the first time all year. Everyone was grinning from ear to ear, the beautiful weather and scenery causing a contagious euphoria. I love this city. I can’t imagine living somewhere that didn’t have hills to play on after work. As I started coming down a hill towards the end of my run I saw a slightly overweight middle aged man struggling to ride up what I was bounding down. He looked at me and smiled, “Looking good, Girl. Keep on running.” That made the evening perfect.
I hope that everyone has beautiful early spring weather where they are.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Happy 90th Birthday, Granddad!
Monday, March 05, 2007
I finished!
Friday, March 02, 2007
Sometimes it takes a friend to pull you up the hill