Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Fiesta, baby!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Thanksgiving Puppy...

The rest of the weekend I painted out spare room in an attempt to turn it into MJ's den. If I ever get done with that project I will post some pictures. At this point I have my doubts.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
wedding website version 1.0
Gobble Gobble!
My co-workers – Somehow all of the men I work with here in computer geek lumber land turned out to be like brothers, and my boss is like a second dad. I couldn’t ask for a better group of people to work with.
My health- Something that I will never take for granted again. For so many reasons.
Michael – For being on a constant hunt for music that he thinks I might like, for always believing in me in a way that no one ever has, for being my sounding board, for never going more than a few weeks without bringing me flowers, for putting up with my mood swings, for learning all the BCS standing stats so we can talk football, for his amazing culinary skills, for wagging his tail when I walk through the door, for everything. I’m so thankful that he had no idea what he got himself into when he asked me to marry him.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Red Fish Lake
For those of you coming to the wedding start thinking about sleeping arrangements for Stanley. We will need to make our reservations on January 2. I am hoping to get the Save the Date cards out this month. Here is the website...
Can't wait to see you all next summer! It looks like we may have people there from four different continents!!!
Sweet Novemeber
Sorry that I haven’t been writing much. My race went as well as can be expected for the amount of training I did, which was just about none. I did beat my old time, and am looking forward to the YMCA Christmas Run in December. I’m back in the gym most of the week except Saturdays now that the trails are staying soggy with the typical
School is going well. I am trying to decide how many classes to take next semester. I don’t want to over do it, but I feel like I am not making very much progress right now taking one class a semester.
Tonight after spinning (side note: uggh… spinning is a lot tougher than I remember it being) my grandma, mom, and friend Celinda and I are going to look at wedding dress patterns. I think I have a basic idea of what I want, but it will be fun to be with women that are so important to me when I make the final decision.
I think we found a photographer and I am so excited. He is a friend of MJ’s that he rock climbs with and his photos have been in Ski and Outside magazine. I think his work is incredible and really hope that it works out. We wanted something out of the ordinary and Todd will definitely fit that bill.
The dogs are getting a bit stir crazy with all of the rain we have been getting this month. I won’t let them into any rooms in the house except the dinning room and it drives them crazy. A couple of times they actually knocked down the baby gates we set up to keep them corralled. When all three of them get going there isn’t much we can do to stop them. Yesterday I was painting the hallway and I could hear them whining most of the afternoon. I felt bad, but not bad enough to let them in with their muddy paws. Hopefully we’ll get some snow for them to play in soon. I can’t wait to start skiing. Although, we have had such a warm month so far that I have my doubts that will happen anytime soon.
MJ is plugging away with school and work as well. We are hopeful that the new funding that
I hope that all is well with everyone. Lots and lots of love to you all, and don’t forget to VOTE! –M
P.S. The Broncos are 8-0!