Tomorrow morning I am running Barber to Boise. This is the first race I am running to prepare for The Race to Robie Creek. Last year I completed my goal (run it without stopping), but got bursitis in my hip. I think the bursitis struck because I train in the foothills on sand. Barber to Boise is along the river on the greenbelt which is paved. I’m hoping for better results this year, although I must confess I couldn’t convince myself to train on asphalt. It’s too nice in the foothills and I’ve grown attached to my favorite trails. There is nothing on the flat that compares to huffing and puffing your way up a vertical and having the view of the city below you as reward for making it to the top. The air is cleaner and crisper. The city looks peaceful and green. My goal this year is to beat last year’s time, although I don’t remember what my time was. I suspect that I’ll know when I cross the finish line whether I made it or not. It’s so true what they say… running is 10% physical and 90% mental. Bring it on.
After my race Michael and I are headed to the cabin to watch the BSU/ Idaho rivalry played out on the big screen with a bunch of our friends. It looks as if Idaho may have a chance at a bowl game this year… stranger things have happened. I’m a bit torn having grown up a Vandal fan, but becoming a BSU alum… that being said I have to predict that Boise will probably win this one.
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