Friday, September 29, 2006

Petit Lake

I think we’ve got the wedding nailed down. It amazes me how involved people get into this stuff. I’ve come to realize over the past few weeks that weddings are not about the couple, they are about their family and friends. I would have been happy jumping on a plane and getting it done on a remote beach somewhere, but I think this compromise will work out really well. It should be a great time for everyone. We are lucky to have so many people that love us so much.

We are going to have a small, short wedding ceremony for family only at Petit Lake near Stanley on or around July 18 which is a Wednesday. Petit is a mountain lake, but the road is really well maintained and shouldn’t be a problem for those of you in rental cars. After the ceremony we will have everyone at a cabin we are renting at Red Fish Lake for dinner. There is plenty of camping, cabins for rent, and a lodge with inexpensive rooms available in the area. I will send out this information again in December, or with the save the date cards. Everyone attending the ceremony and staying the night (it's about 2-1/2 hours from Boise) will need to make reservations at Red Fish the first week of January because of the popularity of the area. On July 21 we will have a reception at Terrace Lakes with all of our friends and family. I will send out lodging information for Terrace when I send the information for Stanley.

I’ve posted a few pictures of Petit. We went up the weekend before last to scope things out. It is absolutely one of the most breath-taking places on the planet. Ripley had a great time getting her swim on. We're already trying to figure out what we are going to do with all three dogs during all of the wedding stuff... might have to put them in doggie jail.

Love to you all! –M

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